"When you define the power elite as somebody else, I regard that as a loser's script. I define the power elite as myself and my friends. " -Robert Anton Wilson
By Rusty I am fully aware of how unpopular writing this will make me. So be it. And let's not pretend I really have very much popularity in "real life" anyway, when most people just seem to look at me with a puzzled or quizzical expression or blank stare and ask me
"So, what is it you REALLY do for a living?" Nor do I have many real friends in "make believe internet land", where most people tend to think I am either some weird kind of legend,
an honest-to-god alter ego cultivated by a completely insane person, or worse. So it goes. Please continue to keep an open mind as you read this, and remember to not believe anything just because I say it. It is entirely possible my agenda is diametrically opposed to yours and
I am feeding you a line of bullshit. You MAY want to operate under the assumption that this is true of everyone, all of the time, unless this notion causes you to feel powerless and to slip further into self-sabotaging paranoia. As you will.
Lately, the hive mind has been crackling with transmissions via blogs and social networking regarding fascism and corporate police states, abuses of power, and notions, some of which are realistic and some of which clearly aren't, as to who is responsible. Listen: What I am about to tell you may sting, but there is no "New World Order" other than you. You, yourself. You are the New World Order, you are the conspiracy, for better or for worse. Allow me to explain.
The Hopi Indians predicted that there would be a fifth age. This new age they termed the age of "spirit" or of "ether". According to their timeline, and also the timeline of the Mayans and the timeline of the Hindu peoples, December 21, 2012 is roughly the spot in which the current age we are inhabiting
transitions into something radically different. The Hindu people termed the age in which we currently live to be the Kali Yuga. Traditionally, this is viewed by many people to be negative but in the grand scheme of things it is a stepping stone or transitional period to a new age. The Kali Yuga itself refers to a period in which humanity is preoccupied with greed, spiritual ignorance, superstition, bigotry and emotional poverty. Conquering seems to be the overall goal, and multiplying and replicating without any real motive other than to grow and to
consume (much like a cancer) seems to be the overriding value of human conduct.
Enter 2012. Many are already aware of the Mayan prophecies concerning a new era, but some may be unaware of the correlation between this and what the Vedic scriptures considered to be the dawn of a new "Golden Age" for humanity. This new age was predicted to be the end of the Kali Yuga or the age of iron and the beginning of the new
Golden Dawn of enlightenment for humanity.
Alternately, we see the Hopi Indians predicting much of the same, although there is an admonition and a warning: We collectively as a species can choose to make this "new age" one of enlightenment, one of freedom and beauty, or we can choose to further descend into bickering, extremely polarized left or right wing political ideology, petty in-fighting and bigotry (religious or otherwise.)