Friday, July 20, 2012

Words of Traitors Crowdsourced Fundraiser

Art by Amy Claire
NONE OF THESE MEMORIES ARE MINE ANYMORE. The divorce was amicable. It just didn’t work out. They’re great memories, honestly. Don’t get me wrong. Sad, brutal, we’ve lived hard together, and the truth is that I’m a little jealous that you’ll make them your own. It’s selfish. These memories can guide the lost, or offer comfort. There's enough of them for seven people, compressed into snapshots, provided to you for the price of a bar of artisanal chocolate and a latte.

They’ll find a perfect home in your head—sending their roots into the verdant soil of the right mind, a mind like yours—and I’m sure before any of us know it, they will be yours entirely. To me, it will be as if they never were. We wouldn’t have a flicker of recognition if we passed one another on the street one rainy morning.

I hope you are happy together. Wishing you all the best. Goodbye.

-Jamie Curcio
We are raising the funds required to produce The Words of Traitors: 7 Lives in Transition: $8000. 
A challenging book does not just appear out thin air. Back in the 50s and 60s it took a publisher that wanted to give the establishment the finger. Now everything is different, but the need to produce and really support art lit that pushes the boundaries is as real now as it was then. So we are asking you to join our production in some sense and help us fund it into existence.

In exchange, you will get a lot of unique artifacts such as:
  • Full-color prints. 
  • e-Book Fundraiser edition of WoT
  • Paperback Fundraiser edition of WoT
  • Custom, signed, Hard-cover full color Fundraiser edition of WoT 
Some of these may feature different covers, and we will almost certainly be adding perks to thank you for your contribution.
Some tiers of funding will also give you access to the final 1st edition when it is completed production in 2013.

Words of Traitors website.

That is really quite a lot to squeeze out of $8,000, and it is only possible because we have an art team willing to accept independent guerrilla-style rates for these things. We are dedicated and want to create something amazing. If we don't make the full goal we will still try to work with what we have, and continue with the campaign to produce a series off of the Nyssa stories in this edition.

[Check out some of the books, albums, and soon movies produced by Mythos Media and our various media partners.]

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