"Very, very challenging, mentally and physically" - David Mondard - Sam
Theatre of Manifestation is FoolishPeople's unique working practice, created by its founder John Harrigan and further developed and perfected by FP over the last twenty years during projects undertaken throughout the UK, Europe and USA.
Theatre of Manifestation is central to how 'Strange Factories', FP's first living feature film will produced, created and experienced.
‘Strange Factories’ explores the power of stories and myths and how they are ultimately given life by those who engage with them.
We would like you to become part of our story.
Join our IndieGoGo campaign and become a part of 'Strange Factories':If you are a regular reader of this site, you've probably noticed some synergy going on between Weaponized and Modern Mythology/Mythos Media on several projects. Just this year, I have released the Citizen Y
I hope you check out one or both of these releases, and explore Strange Factories along with them.
Pre-order a copy of The Immanence of Myth, published by Weaponized in July 2011. (Or sign up to be notified of its release on Amazon.com)
now that is what I call acting, what a rare group. But now I am going to have to find out everything about these foolishpeople, and send the something ($$) to aid their cause. Simply amazing, thank you for the post and opening our eyes to this...