Monday, March 08, 2010

Trololo: Christoph Waltz, Russian legend, and amyl nitrate

Just going to show that myth is always a key element in meme-making, this video has been popping up all over the place recently. Brooke Burgess pointed this out to me, as I've apparently been living under a rock the past couple weeks working on Immanence of Myth, a script, and several other things. This video is -- I imagine -- something like doing amyl and DMT at the same time, without the machine elves and anal relaxation:

The recent spike seems to have preceded this absurdity:
Although Google Insights returns a years-long trend for “Edward Hill” it should not be assumed that they are all for this Edward Hill, as the name refers to a number of historical figures. However, searches for “Edward Hill” and “trololo” have shown a marked increase in Feburary of 2010.
However, the source of the video's popularity might not be quite so recent.

As those who frequent this blog regularly know, normally I would provide some context or analysis on how the myth ties into the more recent outcropping of the media. But in this case, I've got nothing on the connection between a Russian folksong about the returning hero and this. It's something like a synchronicity that pops up thirty times during your day, after ten instances of the number thirty one or ravens you start to wonder if the universe is telling you something, but what the hell are you going to make of it? Maybe I should try that amyl and DMT thing. I'll let you know if anything comes of that...


  1. Nameless8:46 PM

    It's probably not because of any deep meaning about heroes, but because the vocalized "trololo" sounds like the word "troll." Trolling is the act of attempting to provoke someone just to see how they react. Seen this way, the usefulness of the song as a "russian roll" is obvious. When someone clicks a Youtube link planted by a troll expecting to find a video about whatever subject, Hill sings "trololololo-lololo-lololo," as if he's telling they've been trolled and that he's loling at their predicament.

    Also the song is catchy.

    Next you should tell us what the mythological implications of PUDDI PUDDI are.

  2. You're missing the point.

    But I'll look into PUDDI PUDDI. Have you have read the section of Magick Book 4 where Crowley evaluates the Qabbalistic significance of nursery rhymes?



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